Develop Spiritual Vision and Everything will Fall into Place!!!

When you know without a shadow of a doubt that God wants you to move in a particular area, and you refuse to move, confusion may set in. Maybe you feel pulled in two different directions, and you’re a creative type, but you have responsibilities at home. Or perhaps you know exactly what you want to do, but have no clue on how to get there. This is when it’s essential to develop Spiritual Tunnel Vision.  When nothing else makes sense, and you are ensnared, by indecision, devote a little time to God. We all make sure that we make time for ourselves; women may go to the spa and guys may play sports, a high school student may spend time with friends. If we experience such a relief from our “me time,” imagine how you would feel if spent maybe an hour, or whatever you could manage, working on the things God has placed inside you.  If you feel God has given you many talents and the opportunities available to you are overwhelming, take back your power and choose a path.  You may not have all the answers, and everything may not be perfect yet, but confusion will fade away, and clarity will shine like a beacon of light in life.  Even if you have to take baby steps first, you will experience no greater satisfaction and peace, when you know you have been obedient to God.

New Living Translation (©2007)

*** But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. - Matt: 6:33